Community Survey to determine resident interests: The results are in!

What follows are the results of the topics of interest to our members survey.  Approximately 170 people responded–thank you!  We will be planning meetings to respond to the choices you have indicated.

Community Plan: develop a strategy to respond effectively when the Citizens’ Assembly makes its recommendations   
61 votes in top 4

Affordable Housing in GW: what can be done to protect existing affordable housing and ensure new housing that is affordable 
55 votes in top 4

Neighbourhood Activism: how we can effectively make change on behalf of GW
  54 votes in top 4

Transportation in GW: the priorities identified by the GWAC Committee for discussion
 45 votes in top 4

Emergency Preparedness in Grandview Woodland: with the recent port fire and oil spill, how well is GW protected in the event of any hazardous material accident?  
39 votes in top 4

Urban Land Economics: what makes land valuable and why
28 votes in top 4

Community Amenity Transfers (CACs) and Development Cost Levies (DLCs): what are they and how do they work?
24 votes in top 4

Neighbourhood Earthquake Preparedness: how to prepare not only your household for an emergency situation, but working with your neighbours, know what resources you have and how to look after each other when the ‘big one’ comes                      
23 votes in top 4

Harm Reduction services in GW: should we partner to recruit an Alcohol & Drug Worker for GW streets and parks? 
19 votes in top 4

Many residents took the time to add comments.  They are as follows:

Safety and security
Can’t think of any. But re: GWAC’s response to citizens’ assembly reccs – the CA is made up of GW members and is probably far more representative of general GW opinion than GWAC, given the CA’s composition of renters and owners and GWAC’s and also the number of people who have regularly participated in the CA and its public meetings compared to # of residents who make up GWAC and attend its meetings.
community celebrations
I think GWAC should cover Aboriginal Issues that need to be addressed in our community. Also make our community more aware of child poverty issues facing many young children in our community too.
resistance to further densification
What can we do for youth who do not have safe homes and are hanging out around Britannia Centre, at risk for drug and alcohol abuse, procuring, and violence?
Coalition of Vancouver Neighbourhoods and GWAc’s involvement.
public art community gardens poverty in GW understanding mental health and community support
The City Plan for GW is quite important to the future of the area.
Traffic calming in neighbourhood south of 1st Ave and west of Nanaimo around Garden Park.
Facilitate civil rights and civil disobedience community education in consultation with BCCLA Know Your Protest Rights workshops. This ties in with Neighborhood Activism.
Healthcare services! Accessibility for people with disabilities.
Climate Leadership: What can one community do to lead the way beyond fossil fuels
How do we save old historic houses from demolition?
My primary concern right now is how increased density will look. I know its coming but it needs to be smart so we can have as many people as possible benefit from what GW has to offer.
Increasing access to parks and keeping schools pen
Public education and ensuring Grandview-Woodland maintains its schools, and that they are well funded.
Steps for creating housing co-ops, using existing GW resources.
Potential multi use development in the industrial zoned areas on the east side of Clark Drive
Perhaps a forum for talking with First Nations G-W residents about their concerns in our changing neighbourhood. (Also, it’s sneak peek.)
Get the drunks and drug users out of the parks. Stop drug-dealing on the streets. Stop the City from co-opting any more public street parking for private car companies, like ZipCar or for car co-ops (if they get to park in our spaces, then we should get to park in theirs.) Check out the reserved spaces at Graveley & Salsbury which used to be for everybody.
Examples from other parts of the world where our type of community have negotiated to thrive without succumbing to unhindered development and mono-culture.